Star Trek returns. The second series of Discovery attracts visually stunning adventure and action


Following the photos we have just presented, we also have a complete trailer for the second series Stark Trek: Discovery . Showrunneri Gretchen J. Berg and Aaron Harberts were expelled and replaced Alex Kurtzman

Dej Star Trek: Discovery takes place 10 years before the events of the original series and the adventures of the legendary Captain Kirk and tells the story of the crew of the USS Discovery

The first series has been critically acclaimed, but some viewers do not want to see it. were not too excited about the show, especially because of its slower pace.

The Trailer is already visually stunning and certainly promises a potential explosion. We will see how the original showrunners will sign the project.

But Alex Kurtzman, with The Mummy, did not look much like critics and viewers (even though European critics were more intimate), but perhaps by Stark Trek: Discovery is also recognized in his home country. # 39; origin.

Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Shazad Latif, Anthony Rapp Mary Wiseman. First awaits us sometime during the year 2019.

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