State Railways are looking for dozens of people, with an average of over 1000 euros


BRATISLAVA, July 13 ( – Železnice Slovenskej republiky (ŽSR) is currently recording 374 unoccupied cities. As reported Friday the director of state infrastructure, most of the staff were missing in the professions of a sign master, a strong traction electrician and equipment food and a freight forwarder, and especially in western Slovakia

The shortage of professional staff has been solved by ŽSR for several years.

The largest employer in Slovakia

The shortage of employees is felt by the ŽSR despite the fact that in the first half of this year the average salary of the company reached 1,015, a consequence of the decline in the number of employees on the labor market, 98 euros and for the first time in history it has exceeded the threshold of one thousand euros. ŽSR is one of the three largest employers in Slovakia, with 13,655 employees as of June 30, including 10,367 men and 3,288 employees.

"In the first half, 317 employees were recruited, most of whom were supervisors In 2018, 419 employees were fired, of whom 71 are seasonal mates, " said Deputy Director of the Communications Department of the ŽSR General Directorate, Ivan Popluharova [19659008] Europarliament, europsky parlament ” am-card-image=”top” data-lazy-srcset=”×54.jpg 81w,×451.jpg 676w,×512.jpg 768w,×661.jpg 992w,×107.jpg 160w,×208.jpg 312w,×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#d1d1ce”/>

The types of posts most frequently represented by the railway infrastructure manager are the freight forwarder, the lane master, the railway mechanic, the locomotive of the railway, the electrician of the fixed and electrical equipment, the driver and the lane driver and the driver. ] "ŽSR in the 2017/2018 end-of-studies program has received 45 graduates, five of whom have completed their activity at ŽSR.The graduate program aims to provide jobs to students at institutions of higher education. secondary and higher education looking for a job after graduation Popluhárová approach

Dual Education

Most graduates have studied.] "Graduates are preparing to a type position under the direction of a dedicated employee, over a period of one year, during which they will acquire the necessary expertise and practical experience ". are actively involved in the dual education project and the scholarship program in secondary and tertiary schools.In these programs, 77 students from secondary vocational schools and university students are studying currently with support of ŽSR

The railways of the Slovak Republic were established on 1 January 1993 and entered in the Slovak Republic's Trade Register on 31 December 1993 as a successor to the enterprise of Slovakia. # 39; State. On the basis of processing and restructuring, since 1 January 2002, ŽSR has separated the transport of people and goods. The company has a registered capital of 800.17 mil. euros.

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