Steering wheel? How we perceive brands


The problem of "locking" people is that when you enter a drawer, you are in a hurry. Drivers know it too well. Although they can not imagine the image of a car brand, they hold it and do not get rid of it, that they do everything that they do. They can. If anyone has a powerful sports car, it can be friendly and eco-friendly, however, most people will mark it exactly the opposite.

  The environment of a person is also judged by the mark of his vehicle
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on the basis of the mark of his vehicle Source: AUTO BILD

This is indeed the case with the latest study of the German consultancy firm Progenium. In his survey, 2,013 Germans asked how they are the typical driver of the car brand. The interviewers took a lot of things, for example, whether it was a woman or a man, a thin or fat person, modest or arrogant. Plus, estimated age and income. "

" Who buys what a car has a lot of branding with a brand image, "says Progenium Michael Mandat." The auto companies are therefore investing in billions and marketing billions of dollars for create a specific image and reach a particular target group. "Some are doing well, others or not, as shown by the results of the study

its authors repeatedly pointed out. other words, what most people think is not true. "For example, 76% of multibrand drivers have been labeled as thin, but in fact more than half of the population is overweight," says Progenium.

6 types of nerve drivers

What is the definition of a good driver? There are many "truths guaranteed" but the types of drivers that we can meet with their driving style are all annoying.

Once a If a certain image is created, the brand barely gets rid of it. If it ever does it. "It is very, very difficult to change the image and it is true that cars are more than anything: the image is everything," adds psychologist Rüdiger Hossiep of the University of Bochum in This reputation is mainly based on an outside view, no brand owner with a negative image would certainly be negative. "These views are very, very static and practically can not be changed or broken ", adds a psychologist.

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