Stocks are among the most important communicable diseases. Do you know the most effective prevention?


Teas are the most important communicable diseases. It spreads rapidly in the air – a falling infection and an infectious aerosol from coughing and sneezing. They are rarely transmitted indirectly – by objects and hands contaminated by the upper airways or junctions. The entrance gates are upper airways and junctions.

Incubation time, that is to say the time that elapses from infection after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, is eight at fifteen days, on average ten days. ÚVZ adds vaccination as the most effective vaccine against measles

Measles is one of the most serious viral diseases of childhood. Their severity is mainly due to frequent complications such as inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, eardrum and central nervous system. Regular compulsory vaccination of children is carried out according to the current vaccination schedule. " The first dose of the vaccine is administered in the 15th to 18th month of the child's age, the second dose in the 11th year of life," was approached by the door of DAI Dasha Rackova. a stage characterized by fever, nausea, cough, inflammation of the joints and resistance to light. At this stage, it is known that marbled spots with a reddish environment occur in the oral mucosa in the stool area. Koplikove spots. On the fourth to fifth day, an eruption develops. It starts at the head and spreads to the face, neck, abdomen and limbs. It lasts about three days. The uncomplicated evolution of the disease lasts from ten to 14 days. The disease has the most serious evolution in children up to three years and adults.

" To reduce the risk of measles infection, rapid detection and immediate reporting of the disease, including reporting to international networks, hospitalization in the infectious department and collection of biological material to prove the infection are necessary.Vaccination of susceptible persons at the beginning of the disease where the vaccine is administered from the age of six months.Young children receive a normal human gamma globulin. of health monitoring in collective settlements for 21 days after stopping the disease, " summarizes Račková.

In the Michalovce district for mosquito nations, they published an extraordinary situation on Tuesday. Payment started at 3 pm In the epidemic of Michalovce and Sobrance districts, 161 cases of measles were recorded between the beginning of May and the 9th of July, 68 of which were confirmed in the laboratory. Most (89) recorded them in the city of Michalovce and also in the village of Drahnov (35), from which the chests began to spread

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