Stories 8. – A Novice History. . . – openly


Stories 8. – A Novice History. .

Bring the plot as a network of spiders …

Like spiders on the net – who are they and what are they looking at ??? I feel the breath of war in them – and so the fairy tale about the novice today.

The novelist is a third generation poisonous fighting substance, more precisely, according to the available information, it is a group of liquid substances – allegedly up to to several hundred – without color, smell and scents, can be pulverized and allegedly converted into gaseous form. It belongs to organophosphorus compounds based on VX substances. You remember the education of the army, however – the paralytic and nervous fighting substances are Soman, Sarin, Tabun, Substance V and VX …

The effect of these substances describe a series of rapidly evolving cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms. Death occurs as a result of paralysis or heart failure. The common antidote for paralyzed nervous fighters is atropine – but no one should try it …

And good, do not call the novices. "now I choke" Western media of a second-rate spy film. In the Soviet Union, where this group of substances was created, it was called the "foliant" and called the substance of group A-230

Novikoke Case …

Well, I prefer to call it an English affair – it started with the case of Scorpions, miraculously healed and even more miraculously disappeared. There, even some media of the mysterious death of the entire family Putin's Crime (well, his 59-year-old wife died of uterine cancer, the cause of death of his son was no longer published .)

And the story continues by two English who survived – 19659017] English doctors have a good healing process, but they helped two people

  • even though the fabric was to be a little less effective that the beginning
  • his actions without repentance should be less intense than those whose agents allegedly directly targeted by the laws would like to dispose, that it is a group of fuzers who would not prepare such action in a rigorous and deliberate way? Do you think Putin took the risk?
  • It is highly unlikely that a nervous and paralytic substance would be found in the apartment and in the vicinity, Secret Service agents could have verified, even the surroundings and the Scorpions bridges were decontaminated . It is unlikely that the novices have removed some of the garbage – if the English do not wash the containers with smells for more than 4 months ???
  • The current two novice victims would be drug addicts who could open bottles and collect syringes. A spy would not carry that poison in a medicine bottle, and the syringe would not throw in the trash. Not even with gloves, with fingerprints and other biological traces. In fact, the correct healing process was known before, when he was saved by the Russian scientist Železňák, who participated in his development, and later in 1987, he infected his workplace with the inhalation of A small amount novice in case of fan failure. He received appropriate treatment with atropine, but remained a comedian long, he had been paralyzed, suffered permanent permanent lesions of the central nervous system, epilepsy, cirrhosis of the liver [Prier] miraculously like English doctors Scorpions were recovering, 19659016] (maybe their killer spies did not act on the bench in a city near the business center, where they found them – just a little before and under the cameras ??? !!),
  • the media said that they did not know what it was for them for some time – they started treating them for poisoning at opiates, then they stung an unknown infection until they ended up suspecting a nerve substance. transfer to the hospital if they do not do it correctly?),
  • a powerful sedative against brain damage Just remember that the official advice the most effective antidote and effective is the atropine
  • and the help of the experts of the military research center of Porton Downe – unspecified, but I do not know what other treatment was needed for Scorpions
    • they finally found a true diagnosis, they made a tracheostomy, and then a mixture of drugs to promote the formation of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (its blockage causes blockage of the respiratory muscles in the paralytic nervous fighter and death) and finally gave him the atropine the Russian scientist apparently helped ???,
    • Crowd said on TV that the treatment was invasive, painful and depressing, the treatment was was slow,
    • Well, I do not know how fast she wanted to heal – incredible effect that 4.3.2018 happened – and as of April 9, 2018, Miss Skripaľová represented the high-end television cameras , his father a month later. Compared to the mentioned scientist, his treatment and consequences, it looks like a sci-fi movie.

    In conclusion of the question – and that all this could not be effective with these two new victims?

    Well, the mystery is more than enough here. It's also a big secret to me that when Scrippa publicly showed her interest in returning to Russia, she was not allowed to meet the cousin who wanted to come and see her.

    How to Make a New History

    This is a good way to get the healing process. I am referring to another 1995 novice case that is also available in the media – a scientist reportedly brought 9 vials of the drug to the criminal clinic and was used for the murder. Well, a substance like this would certainly be intended to guard against any narration under the camera system, and security checks would be most responsible

    The truth, the healthiest and safest solution would be to do nothing Stop the armor, the war agitators to close lives. Even with us, in my opinion, many followers have been found.

    Most stupid inventions of humanity seem to me to be a fear, a false feeling that we must defend ourselves against the enemy – and not because of profitability, smallness, hatred because I believe in the good and in the fact that each of us has a barrier to humanity and common sense, so I am wrong in the idea of ​​producing such things without any moral barrier, for gain and power. I really do not want to think

    Conclusion …

    If I gave the title "Blog on the novice", I correct it now – not a tale of fairies. I love my fairy tales, but it's not a fairy tale. No story of death is fabulous, nor a story of dishonesty, lies and disorder. (19659003)

    If Elena Predná Hora, 9.7.2018

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