Stories 9. – Mamma Simonka and Simonkina Mom. . . – openly


Stories 9. – Mamma Simonka and Simonkina Mom. .

Eight mothers joined us. Honey, Simonkina mama

A week ago, July 3 was the sixth anniversary of Simonkine's death. And his mother intervened on behalf of his daughter and joined the family of mothers of guilty doctors. So now I bring you the story of Simonka and his mother. I did not put a word on it, it is in informal form

Ja, Zlatica Bačíková, on behalf of my only daughter Simonky, [19459008

I attach to the mother to whom the child dies. I will not shut up, but I fight for Simonko! I am satisfied that during the delivery of my daughter's health care, there have been serious misconceptions from doctors and nurses responsible for negligence and occasional manual failure, as well as a diagnostic procedure late and incorrect. I express my opinion that these mistakes of a different nature have gradually led to damage to my daughter's health with the most serious consequences – death.

Simonka suddenly falls into a coma and on July 3, 2012, he is heartbroken. Instead of enjoying the holidays and celebrating my birthday, my daughter was buried 4 days before her 9th birthday.

In May 2011, Simonka was hospitalized in the children's ward, where she was sent by a first aider for a sudden headache accompanied by vomiting. It appears from the medical literature that the neurologist has expressed suspicions of subarachniodal bleeding! After 3 days, the girl published a diagnosis of migraine without aura. At the hospital, they performed the CT scan, which, because they were doing well, performed another exam, respectively. (19659003) My daughter was a general practitioner and, because of a mild headache, she often went to see if she had a rhinopathy or sore throat – antibiotic withdrawal was not an operation. from time to time. I received a stamp from my nurse to let Simonka leave school two days at home. As much as I thought the diagnosis of a migraine without aura, I attributed a slight headache to changes in weather. Strong headaches with a feeling of vomiting or vomiting do not have. I also thought that the headaches came from the eyes (the girl had diopter -0.25 glasses on both eyes) and cervical spine (we were sent to rehabilitation after which the girl was sick, it was said to me do not go ). In June 2012, a district doctor requested an eye exam after which Simonke adjusted the dioptres from -0.25 to -0.5 (one eye). I remember that the ophthalmologist requested a neurological examination where his daughter was ordered by a nurse out of the ambulance. In an infant neurology ambulance, the doctor asked, "What is it?" (Simonke). I said that she had a headache. Sometimes no, and if so, I attributed them to the changes of time. I said that in May 2011, the girl was hospitalized in the children's department with the conclusion of a migraine. I have been talking about a worsening of my eyesight and a dioptric increase of little (from – 0.25 to – 0.5 per eye). The doctor said that "what I really want, since all exams went well, CT was done last year" (ie, in May 2011). He performed a cervical spine examination – the girl asked his head, recommended the rehabilitation of the cervical spine. We were in the ambulance about 10 minutes. The other day I was with Simonka at a cardiology exam where an ergometer examination was performed.

I describe the worst thing that I have ever seen and experienced – it was July 1, 2012 when I was for an "ordinary" headache – his daughter asked for a "regular" headache. medical aid. I also draw out available courses. On the last day of July 2012, my daughter, Simonka, broke her head, was pale and was bad, and later, she had the impression of coming back, but repayments. We went to the children 's emergency room, even for the "ordinary" headache, from where, after the examination at 14:45, the girl was sent to the children' s department, she wanted the infusion. We came to the children's department, where the nurse of the nurse received us. I gave him the ticket – alert. She introduced us to the reception hall and said, "It's Sunday and the doctor is also in the newborn, we have to wait." The service nurse asked about the circumstances in which Simonke was sick. I answered him. With my daughter Simonka we sat on the bed, I kissed Simonk. However, every child must feel the support of his parents, especially the mothers. The maid nurse has arrogantly snatched her daughter, so that I am not so anxious and leave her. The girl's head was injured, indicating a strong handshake. We waited about 10 minutes for a doctor in the children's department. After his arrival during the interview when Simonkine described him, I recorded a dialogue between his nurse and a doctor that Simonke was giving Algifen drops, which the doctor accepted, but said that "They are still waiting 10-15 minutes (still without drops) and if it's better, we can go home with the fact that if Simonke was wrong, we should come in. I said that Simonka had wrong, but I respected the doctor's decision and agreed that if Simonke was sick, we would go in immediately.

The girl complained of headache, I warned the doctor who had started to ask and write the data about Simonke, birth + overdose, I gave him all the information Simonka's head hurt, she had to deal with a long wait, Uncertainty and pain, she stood quietly, holding her hand, squeezing her shoulder and shaking her hand to tell me that she had a headache. She did not tell him anything that the nurse did not tell him to "pass" (as before). The health status of Dercerkin was unchanged from the entrance of the children's department hall, without severe and severe deterioration, headaches persisted. Examination at 3:15 pm (1969003) During my interview with the prescribing physician, the nurse who was serving the nurse brought liquid (drops) to the plastic spoon and warned Simonka that it would be hot. I quickly poured water into the cup because the nurse with a spoonful of drops was already standing with her daughter. So, these drops were enough on the spoon. I did not see the drug or the gout, as she took a spoon into another room. Record of nurse in decree from 15.30. on submission 30 kv. Algifen po (According to the package leaflet, it is a contraindicated drug for children under 10 years of age, the manufacturer does not prescribe weight-based dosing and the 9-year-old child does not have a weight-based did not develop adult human body.)

to perform. After about 15 minutes after dropping the drops, the girl remained very sick, complaining of a big headache. This is the entry in the decree at 15:50. Nurse Simonke said, "It's going to stop (pain)". But the girl started to throw up. Then there was an act that I did not understand because of the sick and degrading health of my daughter. They went to dare, but his daughter did not act, she was very weak. Then, her nurse in the service of her nurse told her to "stand up straight". When Simonka got off the weight, she cried a lot of pain, grabbing her head to the bottom of her right. (The break in the weakened spiral is described as a sudden and painful headache.) As I was with my daughter, I held her up, helped her and gagged her in bed, l & rsquo; Stretching and pushing him very hard and crying his legs. Simonka remained very pale and obviously was very bad and she was very disappointed – when she was in shock

Only after this event (in the decade given at 16:00) were the words to give the girl to the room and get an infusion. Even after this deterioration of Simonka's state of health was not immediately called neurologist and no review was done! Simonka did not reign – she remained weak, so we caught her and helped her get up from one bed to the other. Not to mention the nurse's note, never forget, Simonke said, "I guess you do not think we'll wear you!" They saw that the girl was weak, and they did not even use the transport cart. They left her worrying. Simonka was walking weakly, making a very complacent headache in her room, helping her to lie down in bed. After she was put on the bed, her daughter again said that her head was very painful. One sister (there were others) suddenly said, "It's happening."

The nurse said that her daughter drank the cannula and took the blood, then went to take the biological material and label the tubes, and that in the room with her daughter, her colleagues stayed. The doctor in the room was gone. The nurse-colleagues and I were removed from the room in the hallway. I had the right to be with my daughter, it was bad. Simonka was definitely scared, and I was with her arrogantly preventing this nurse-colleague, that she could not have been. An auxiliary silo brought an infusion bottle and stood in front of the room door. It was hard for my daughter to be sick, given the slow access of medical staff – as if nothing had happened. My daughter was certainly scared and wanted to be with me and needed my proximity!

I was waiting in the hallway and looking at the girl in the room. After a while, I noticed that Simonka was lying to me with a weak hand, I took it as a sign that she was fine. But I did not even know that Simonka had told me last time: "I went to Simonka in the room, the two sisters – my colleagues were still drinking cannulas, trying to start the infusion and they thought that it was not possible, the hospital, the UDZS or the investigator. I was standing by the bed, smoothing Simonk I suddenly noticed that she was sleepy and began to snore a little more, or wheezing, and immediately I noticed the nurses present, colleagues, and l? one of them said calmly that she had "slept and snored". And then they took the infusion,

I replied that "it is not possible for him to sleep so fast and not to snore at all". Then I told the nurse that the girl might come back, it seemed to me so she also made noises. Sister de la Salle said that "let her (girl) turn to she". I also reminded my nurse that her daughter, Simonka, is as if she was tearing her teeth (hard pressed – I can not describe it exactly). The nurse lifted her lips and said, "The tongue does not hang." After a while, Simonke started to come out of the mouth of the foam. I noticed that one eye was closed and the other opened and did not perceive. The walkers were completely blue and cold .. I told all the nurses! These two sisters-colleagues ignored my warnings! I took over Simonka – she repeated her name. At the same time, the sisters were told to do something, call the doctors. It's only then that the child has become aware of it. It was a horrible moment, we took Simonk – we repeated her name, we cautiously turned her into a stabilized position on the side, she was very swallowed, and after a while, she started spitting me by the nose. One of the nurses present began pressing her nose with her fingers, while frowning that "it would be a bloody pillow and a sail." As Simonka's mouth was closed and measured, she could only breathe through her nose. And one of the nurses present made it impossible, because by squeezing nostrils he stopped Simonke from breathing!

The current sisters did not check Simonka after my first warnings, they even ignored me and did not even call a doctor! They did not give first aid to their daughter, they did not release the airways! Since my arrival in the room, the described course was very fast, this critical deterioration of the health of my Simonka took about 5 minutes (maybe less). I missed a doctor who was sitting in a computerized ambulance. After my alert, she escaped to Simonke's room.

The nurse said that her room had arrived when Simonka was in a stabilized position. There was a terrible chaos in which I took up the question: "Where is the amulet?". JIS-Ka was a few blocks away, but Simonka did not have the instruments and the monitor, leaving her in the usual room. The doctor phoned – she called for medical help. After a while, a health professional (or anesthetist?) Came in, pushing two large bottles of oxygen into the room. It was terrible. I was very scared of my Simonka. The above events were also attended by my daughter's biological father. During a critical deterioration, the health of my daughter's room in the room was neither a doctor nor a nurse serving a nurse. My daughter was entrusted to other people who did not respect my warnings if I were in the hallway, I could not have described in detail what happened to Simonka in the room at the time. Sudden deterioration of the state of health

h. – the arrival of a pediatrician, anesthetist also arrived. In the statement to the hearing, I assumed that a duty doctor who had been summoned outside his working hours had arrived by taxi. But the doctors were doctors.

The neurologist was called and entered when Simonka was already unconscious! In the doctor's record of 4:15 pm, it says that "a neurologist called, who does not examine the patient's condition because of the clinical condition, recommended the CT scan. brain. "It has long been said to the doctor that the neurologist has come, that the girl must be brought by helicopter to Martina's hospital to call the helicopter on hold. These were terrible wounds and pain, fear and tears that almost nobody can understand. My most precious treasure – girl and girlfriend, was fighting for life. I find it very difficult to describe these events, other than crying. Very painful is the thought of what survived the girl, fear, helplessness

Records outings: O 16:25 h. Translated Simonky at Martin Hospital

At 4:45 pm. transport agreed by Simonky 's air force rescue service, which was to arrive in about 30 minutes, but with time he did not do it

O 17:10 hours. According to the record of an anesthetist, my daughter's heartbeat has fallen. They managed to revive them

O 17h20. the arrival of the rescue rescue service team, again came to heart trouble – the heart of Simonkine revived the second time

About 17:30. (19659003)

My only daughter was fighting for life, she wanted to live!

At ARO children's department was Simonka accepted into a coma and she in a condition: bleeding from the airways, susp. cerebral edema, intracranial bleeding, CPR status, diffuse hypoxic brain damage. When the doctor announced a 99% brain death, it was terrible. The forecast is hopeless. At Simonka, she was transported in a state of health so critical that Martine could no longer help her. On June 3, 2012, Simonky arrived at Simonka, according to a report from the UN Martin, on an irreversible refractory shock without reaction to vasoactive substances, at 4:48 there was asystole

Final diagnosis according to the law. autopsy performed:

  1. severe brain swelling, central death

– primary cause: destructive cerebral hemispheric bleeding

  1. multiorgan failure

UDZS SR and NsP shut down my stimuli by giving proper health care, the autopsy security, according to which Simonka came to the rupture of a malformed right brain vessel, assumptions and expressions in the sense of nothing to do with anything. The first criminal notification was denied to investigators after a month because there was no reason to initiate criminal prosecution. The criminal notices that I filed once again were postponed after two years by the same investigator OR PZ because it is not a criminal offense and that there is no no reason to dismiss the case. My appeal was dismissed as unfounded and the complaint was not receivable. Two people, nurses nursing nurses did not resolve, did not listen. Do you have repudiations of conscience?

Do you think that health care is provided correctly? Does it mean adequate health care, the procedures of which are governed by the Health Code, the Code of Ethics for Nurses and the Charter of Patients' Rights? The death of a child can not be confiscated

Conclusion …

This is the story Simonka and his mother. I do not know what to add …

Oh, yes, I promise, tomorrow I'll give something in the blog something cheerful, beautiful, maybe about life …


Elena Predná Hora, 9.7.2018

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