Storms in the Košice region: fallen trees, firefighters fought by floods


In the field, he was also exposed to accidents

7. July 2018 at 9:22 am TASR

KOŠICKÝ KRAJ. Firefighters from the Košice region interfered with seized trees, accidents, but also with burning containers on Saturday evening

They also used up the water to drain the water after the rain

Trebišov. Watch the video

As the operational officer of the Regional Directorate of Fire Brigade Kosice said Friday to the police (6.7). In the evening, members caught trees in Škultétyho street in Trebišov, also in Nacine Ves in Michalovsky district.

In a city of Štefánikova street, they requested technical assistance around 9:00 pm

"On the roof roof was created a swimming pool," [196599012] In the Pažitna street, they later drained the Water after rain

Death with a Beast

About an hour before midnight, firefighters called for a car accident, which happened in Hrhov towards Rožňava

Read also: The border struck a cloud cloud, an accident occurred on the road [19659007] "There was a collision from a personal vehicle with a vampire without injury, "said the Operational Officer

" The collision of two cars occurred a little more than half an hour after midnight on the Humenska Street in Michalovce There were people easily wounded there. "[196590021] Around 1 am, they were also on fire in the street Hrebendova in Košice, Baltic, they called for the fall of a tree before 7:00

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