Subsidies for electric and hybrid cars ended, they have not been spent for a year and a half


Grants were used by more than 800 people, about 500 of the vehicles supported were electromobiles, the rest of the hybrid.

The state has supported for a year and a half the purchase of more than 800 electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Of the vehicles supported, pure electric cars account for more than 70%, plug-in hybrids close to 30%. Grants reached a maximum of 5,000 euros for electromobiles and 3,000 for hybrids

All funds from the original plot were not allocated to the extended end of grants at the end of June this year. year, at 5.2 million euros. 19659003] In order to replace the closing regime, the Ministry of Environment announced a regime of territorial autonomy, endowed with 1 million euros, which will receive about 30 electric cars. However, unlike private investors, in this case, the amount of the subsidy will reach 95% of the value of the electric car

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