Suburban buses to Senca and Šamorín lasted more than 90 minutes.


The weather, bringing snow and snow with snow, also influenced the traffic of suburban buses arriving in Bratislava on Tuesday.

The delay was already at 06:00, while the biggest delays were recorded on the connection between Šammorín and Senca.

"There is a rule in these directions, but on Tuesday, the delay was very long, at least an hour and a half," said Eva Vozárová, spokesperson for Slovak Lines, a bus carrier providing public regional transport in the city. Bratislava region. The current situation, according to Vozárové, has already improved, buses are gradually starting to move as planned.

"There were also buses that went from Pezinka to the capital between 15 and 30 minutes, in the direction of Zahorie, we did not notice any particular delay," added Vozárová.

The Bratislava highway (DPB) connected to public transport is also on track. "We have a 30-minute delay in the city center and we arrive in town because of the impermeability of communications," Adriana Volfová, spokesperson for DPB, told TASR.

The Slovak Railway Company (ZSSK) does not mention a Twitter account indicating infrequent occurrences of train delays arriving in Bratislava due to the weather situation.

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