Superb storm: this picture shows the dynamic atmosphere of Uranium ice



Once a year, the Hubblov telescope photographs the gaseous giants of our solar system to see their external atmosphere. On Thursday, NASA showed several breathtaking images of Uranus.

The OPAL program, which explores the outer atmosphere of the planet, is constantly helping us understand the gas giant of the Milky Way. He now offered a magnificent view of the giant storm he is strangely buying on the northern pole of Uranus. According to NASA's claims, this has resulted in changes in the atmospheric flow of the planet.

Source: NASA Solar System

You will not miss the storm on the last photo; it covers the entire north pole of the ice planet. The special image was easy to obtain, mainly because of the attribute that differs from other planets in the solar system – its dramatic 98 degree tilt. During the summer, the North Pole of the planet is almost directly on the sun and the land offers a breathtaking view.

These data and information are very important for scientists

Scientists hope that the OPAL program will provide them with a lot of useful data and help them understand the atmosphere and weather of the planets in the external solar system. Just as the meteorologist can not predict the weather on Earth from several photos, astronomers need a series of images of the atmosphere of other planets to be collected longer. It is more than likely that we will still see such beautiful shots.

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