Technology giants want to facilitate data transfer between services


For the second time, Microsoft has joined forces with tech giants over the past few days to bring end-to-end solutions to life-saving solutions. While in the case of a universal connector for real virtual helmets and improved, some of the technical enthusiasts will come to their (perhaps) part of the technical enthusiasts, the currently announced project would be happy with a much wider range

Speech is an open-source data transfer project is to greatly facilitate the transfer of user data between different platforms with services. The current switchover between some services is in many cases too complicated, something that operators often rely on.

A customer generates profits and his exit to the competition is not welcome. So, while it's not a simple way to transport its data, this step is not only carefully considered, but even abandoned. Sometimes the data can be downloaded in a simple way, but their subsequent import into a new service is a difficult way. That's what giants want to do with a new standard

In the service, after deployment, users should be able to transfer all their data directly to another provider without having to download and download them again. An example is moving data from Google Photos to OneDrive or vice versa.

At this moment, we are at the beginning of the journey and everything is in the theoretical plane. Until now, it is not entirely clear when exactly the initiative could bear fruit or what all the services are really involved.

Tags: Data Transfer Project, Technology

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