Terrific Meteorologist Warnings: Strong winds and snow drains will be iced


Meteorologists also warn against the creation of tongues and snow curves, especially in the north and east of Slovakia, which could pose a danger to traffic activities. Temperatures of up to -16 degrees Celsius will affect the districts of Námestovo, Tvrdošín, Poprad, Kezmarok, Stará Ľubovňa, Spišská Nová Ves, Levoča and Sabinov.

Terrible weather warning: Strong

Source: SHMU

Meteorologists expect a minimum temperature of -15 to -16 degrees Celsius overnight for Thursday, November 29 and Friday night (November 30). According to the SHMU, such a low temperature is a potential danger to human health and physical activity on the outside.

In the district of Rožňava, snow must be counted in certain sections

In fresh or oppressed snow, they must guide drivers in certain parts of Rožňava District. It informs the Slovak Road Administration (SSC) via its website. Travelers on the II / 549 section of the Krásnohorské Podhradie – Úhornianske sedlo section reported fresh snow, about four to five centimeters.

Snow two centimeters thick would be on the road II / 533 from Gemerská Polomy to Súlová saddle. The same layer of snow is also found on the I / 67 Dobšiná Pass and further on the Stark Rock. Winter tires are needed in all these sections. Other roads in the district of Rožňava are dry or wet.

Passenger warning

All sections of controlled roads, highways, expressways and monitored passes in Slovakia are currently on the road. But drivers must pay attention to the strong breeze that surrounds Jelšava, Rimavská Sobota and Tornale. On the way II / 543 Nest – Red Cloister is a glacial snow. It informs the Slovak Road Administration (SSC) via its website zjazdnost.sk.

According to the travelers, snow tongues are formed in the Záborský region, Nižná Šebastová and on the I / 66 pass of the Besník pass. For vehicles of more than 10 meters, the Fačkov passes (section I / 64 between the saddles of Nitriansky Pravno and Fačkov), Veľké Pole (route II / 512 Oslany – Cerová), Šútovce (route III / 1774) are closed during the winter season. The Skýcov mountain pass (II / 511) is closed to vehicles of more than 3.5 tonnes.

Routes II / 549 in the section Úhorná – Úhornianske sedlo – Krásnohorské podhradie and III / 3227 in the section Hrabušická Píla – Stratená (intersections I / 67 and III / 3227) and the road II / 576 – Herlianske Sedlo are closed for all transport . The roads are not maintained in winter.

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