Tesla develops and builds a major car manufacturer in China


Although at the end of June, the production capacity of the popular Tesla Model 3 soared to 5,000 vehicles a week, it is not enough to get orders quickly. Some trainees will probably be waiting for a one year delivery of the electromobile.

This is despite the fact that production will have to go up to 10,000 cars a week. (19659003) See Tesla his spamätáva – produced 3,500 vehicles Model 3 weeks ago

The reason is that in the list of about 400,000 pre-orders are listed Usually, the basic version the cheapest, but Tesla to win, prefers the production of more expensive models with higher equipment and greater battery

China is the market

What's Next? Tesla's largest foreign markets include China, where sales are at a disadvantage due to current trade sanctions by the Trump administration and related retaliatory measures in China. These include an increased 15% duty on imports of US cars. Tesla is therefore looking for ways to avoid the current Sino-US trade war

SOURCE | Tesla

The company announced in this regard that it has reached an agreement with the Shanghai government on the production of vehicles in the region. They therefore confirmed the information that they had sent to the public last fall. According to Bloomberg, the capacity of the Chinese Tesla factory is expected to reach up to 500,000 vehicles a year.

See Tesla builds a factory in China, the country with the greatest potential

The lucrative nature of the Chinese market, which is with the annual sales of about 30 million of the largest cars of the world, also illustrate the prognosis of the development of electromobility. By 2025, about 7 million electric cars are expected to be sold in China, so Tesla also plans to produce just a drop in the sea.

SOURCE | Tesla

This is not the only foreign Tesla factory. Another construction project in Europe where a gigafabrika battery would also be created

Following the ongoing trade war between China and the United States, Tesla was forced to increase the prices of Model S and Model X up to $ 20,000. The purchase of Tesla vehicles is a major concern in China. Last year,

Although the idea of ​​building a Chinese factory came to Tesla before the start of the war, because of its sanctions, its profitability increased. Similarly, other companies responded. Harley Davidson, who wants to get around the sanctions on imports of US motorcycles into the EU, is also considering the logical move.

For Tesla, the factory in China will also be profitable because it avoids import duties that the Trump government has ruined for more than a year. 300 Chinese products, including steel and touch screens.

See The revolution goes quietly. Tesla

Samsung's cooperation agreement with the Shanghai regional government has already been signed, and the construction of Gigafactory 3 is expected to start in the near future when it will get the necessary permissions

So attract fans of Tesla to a new model Y. SOURCE Tesla

Production could then begin in two years. It will take another two to three years for the plant to reach the expected full capacity of 500,000 vehicles per year.

See Tesla Roadster – surprise of the year with 1000 km and maximum 400 km / h

Musk has already indicated that it would probably be the production of the model 3 and the next model SUV Y.

The announcement of the construction of the Chinese factory will not be very clear. the impact on production of the US parent company, where production is expected to continue to grow. If it goes further and the factory can build in Europe, cars bearing the Tesla logo will travel a few more years on the road

Source Engadget

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