Tesla finally did. He met the production plan of the key model


Tesla's automaker took almost a year to complete production of its Key 3 model.

Last week, US automaker Tesla finally achieved its model 3 production plan. The automaker electric had difficulties last year.

Since the beginning of the production of Key Model 3, which is designed for a wide range of motorists, Tesla has not achieved its set targets of 5,000 units per week

Real Factory [19659005] As reported by the Bloomberg News Agency,

"Tesla has just become a real automaker," said Elon Musk, the company's director.

Tesla's stock increased by more than 4% after this report. According to Autotrader analyst Michelle Krebs, the company still does not earn quite

If Tesla wants to be a true automaker, it must regularly adhere to its weekly production plans and high quality [19659004] Model 3 in 2016. With its production, the company started last summer. Nevertheless, she has never been able to keep her goals.

In addition to Model 3, the automaker is currently producing Model S and Model X, with a weekly production of 7,000 vehicles

Although Musk did not hide

Steven's Executive Director Armstrong for the social network on the social network has posted a post that he says that what Tesla can do for a week, so that they can handle it for a while. (F, f, f, q, f, f, q, f, f, f, q, f)
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