Tesla 's action is weakened, demanding money from suppliers


The action of Tesla's automaker is strongly weakened on Monday.

The reason for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) was that the electric car manufacturer had asked some sellers to repay some of the money they had paid. This would help Tesle make a profit.

The opening of Tesla Monday fell by more than 4%, then his jump jumped to 6.6%. On July 17, 1969, the title was exchanged at 4.14% to $ 300.60 (256.57 €).

Tesla, which has never been profitable since it was founded in 2003, has asked suppliers for a substantial sum of money. This letter raises questions about the financial situation of the company [19659005]. The letter sent by Tesla to the contractor means that the requirement of money is essential for the current activities of the builder and is characterized as an investment in the future of the company. Tesla has confirmed to the WSJ that he is trying to get discounts from suppliers. According to the automaker, it is a common practice and an attempt to increase competitiveness

The experts have a different opinion. "It's just ridiculous, and it shows that Tesla is desperate right now," said Dennis Virag, 40, a consultant in the auto industry. "This is another sign that they are getting less and less money, and I'm sure Tesla will need fresh money later next year," he said. said Frank Schwope, analyst, the director of Tesla Elon Musk. 4th quarter profit. The loss in the first quarter reached 709.6 million dollars

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