The actor Oscar Kevin Spacey in trouble


British police investigate six suspicions of sexual assault, which the US actor Kevin Spacey has committed in the past. It's three more than originally published, AP said.

Last fall, information revealed that Spacey had been sexually harassed by at least twenty men for their work in London's Old Vic British media reported early in the year. year on the three allegations studied

Police in Britain do not publish the names of suspects until they are formally charged. In response to a question about Spacey, the police did not change it, but added that the detectives had received five charges of sexual assault and one of the men's attacks. Five of the alleged attacks took place in London between 1996 and 2008 and the sixth in Gloucester, in the West Bank, in 2013.

Oscar Film Holder was artistic director of the Old Vic Theater in London between 2004 and 2015. As the first 58-year-old Spacey, the young American actor Anthony Rapp was accused of sexual harassment for twelve years, which attempted to conquer three decades ago. Spacey was 26 years old and Rapp 14. Last November, Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos said that the Hollywood star had invited young actors "to tell them about their careers." "It was enough when the young man was under thirty, and Mr. Spacey quietly trampled on us," Cavazos said.

Similar experiences have been reported by men in the United States. These charges have had a hard impact on the otherwise acclaimed actor. The International Academy of Television and Science has decided not to award a special prize to Spacey to the founders of Emmy International TV. Netflix, who produces the domain of the series of cards, then pauses to shoot his next series. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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