The air is already the pollen of the biggest allergens of summer, palms and ambergias


Highest concentrations of grass pollen capture a monitoring station in Nitra, Banska Bystrica and Kosice

Banská Bystrica, July 14 (TASR) – The pollen situation in Slovakia remained unchanged last week. allergic pollen from herbaceous plants and, on the contrary, highly allergic pollen from the herbaceous family. In addition, all monitoring stations have already captured pollen from invasive plants – palms and ambergias.

"The woods have already been discovered and in small amounts the atmosphere of conifers, chestnuts and lime trees has been present in the air.The pea season has already undergone the second bloom all over the world. Slovak territory.Reduction of daily concentrations of pollen in the atmosphere, " said Janka Lafférs, of the Regional Public Health Service (RÚVZ) in Banská Bystrica.

The highest concentrations of grass pollen captured a monitoring station in Nitra, Banská Bystrica and Košice. The highest total pollen concentrations of pollen plants were recorded mainly in Banská Bystrica, but also in Bratislava and Nitra. Fallow palms and ambrose were captured by all monitoring stations at very low concentrations. In addition to these species, pollen has also been found in the atmosphere, including skull, juvenile, carrot, carnivore and carrot-like plants. "In the coming days, pollen from grasses with the highest proportion of plant pollen and grasses will be mostly high and daily pollen concentrations of the most important summer algae – palms and ambergias will increase with Herbs will be the strongest allergen in the coming weeks, " Laffer said, adding that during storms and other collisions, there will be a decrease in pollen in the air. Daily concentrations of mold spores are increasing

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