The amendment of the law on employment services is detrimental, according to Mihala, according to Kiššová,


"People are hurt if this law is passed" he said. In the Slovak labor market, he is currently suffering from a shortage of qualified personnel, as a result of which wages are rising. If the Mihallah government allows third-country workers to come to Slovakia, they will be willing to work for a lower wage than citizens demand from our employer.

"The law benefits foreign investors and temporary work agencies", said Mihál. According to him, these agencies currently have no one in Slovakia to offer employers. "If Ukrainians, Serbs or Vietnamese take their things, they will shake" she says. The amendment to the Employment Services Act will fundamentally and artificially affect the labor market in Slovakia. "This law does not benefit Slovak employees", says exminister. There is no reason to shorten the legislative procedure following the amendment of the law by Mihail.

The amendment to the Employment Services Act will introduce measures from the beginning of next year on the labor strategy of foreign workers of foreigners in Slovakia. These measures aim to rationalize, speed up and streamline the system governing the entry and residence of third-country nationals on Slovak territory for the purposes of employment, in particular in occupations for which there is a shortage of workers. work was found.

The amendment introduces measures in the field of employment services as well as in the area of ​​residence of foreigners in Slovakia. In the Employment Services Act, employers must create an obligation to report vacancies to employment agencies, the law setting the maximum amount of the fine for failure to fulfill this obligation. Another proposed change is to increase the frequency of updating the list of jobs in the event of a shortage of manpower from one year to one quarter.

The amendment of the Employment Services Act also governs the supporting documents attached to the application, in particular the educational documents received and the documents relating to the temporary assignment. Deadlines for assessing the application for seasonal work permits are shortened and third-country nationals can enter the labor market through temporary employment agencies in the event of a shortage of labor. d & # 39; work. The workplace also proposes to unify the duration of the verified period of no violation of the prohibition of illegal work for the purpose of employment of third country nationals.

According to Kiššová, the arrival of third-country workers will slow wage growth

In approving the amendment to the law on employment services, which will link the system of the arrival of third-country workers in Slovakia, the Deputy to the National Council of the Slovak Republic, SaS Jana Kiššova, will increase his wages. As stated during the parliamentary debate on the amendment to the law, the natural growth of wages in Slovakia will be halted by the entry into the Slovak labor market of thousands of people from third countries with less wage demands. high. "So you can artificially raise wages under the law" Kiššová said in response to the annual increase in the minimum wage.

An opposition MP criticizes the fact that the government, by offering investment incentives to foreign investors, is buying new jobs that are out of place. "Our entrepreneurs are made up of jobs for people from third countries", Kishso said. This prevents the government from imposing quickly and without analysis more stringent conditions for the arrival of third country workers. It does not quantify its impacts on society, the economy or public finances. "We can be very wrong and do some damage that we will recover later," she added.

Member of the movement We are a family Milan Krajniak said during the debate that we had enough manpower in Slovakia and that we did not depend on the importation of cheap labor from third countries. The government, through an amendment to the law, exposes the letter of invitation to tens of thousands of economic migrants. "We have 300,000 people and we will tell the Serbs and Ukrainians to come," he said.

The amendment of the law will introduce measures in the field of employment services as well as in the area of ​​residence of foreigners in Slovakia from the beginning of next year. In the Employment Services Act, employers must create an obligation to report vacancies to employment agencies, the law setting the maximum amount of the fine for failure to fulfill this obligation. Another proposed change is to increase the frequency of updating the list of jobs in the event of a shortage of manpower from one year to one quarter.

After considering in first reading the government 's draft amendment to the law on employment services, the deputies began to discuss the government' s draft amendment to the law on the rights of employment. Excise on mineral oil. Shortly before 1 pm, President Martin Glváč announced a lunch break. The Parliament is expected to hold a regular quarterly question time starting at 2 pm and from 3 pm MPs are due to discuss the government's proposal to shorten the legislative procedure for the draft law on the protection of property in the housing sector. gas.

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