The American basketball player was shot in Los Angeles, playing for the Moscow Chimki Club


LOS ANGELES, July 8 ( – American basketball player Tyler Honeycutt, backed by the Russian team and the Euroliga Chimki Moskovskaya region, has died in Los Angeles. ” am-card-image=”top” data-lazy-srcset=”×54.jpeg 81w,×208.jpeg 312w,×448.jpeg 672w,×80.jpeg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#211b25″/>

The exact circumstances of his death are unknown, but local police confirmed that Honeycutta was shot dead by a member of the rapid deployment police station in the Sherman Oaks neighborhood.

Tyler Honeycutt played 24 NBA games in the Sacramenta Kings. Since 2013 he has worked in Europe, the longest in Chimka. In 2015, he triumphed at Eurocupe. His last match was the last game of the Russian League VTB on June 10, during which his team succumbed to CSKA's rival and Honeycutt awarded 11 points. Information published by

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