the total cost of the life cycle of the aircraft, did not say Pellegrini. It is reportedly said that the operation of ten years of fighters can reach up to two billion. The Prime Minister only said that the offers were comparable. "I was surprised to see how close the offer of the two candidates was," he added.

For the new American fighters, Slovakia will pay in the first phase 1.58 billion euros, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini after the negotiations of the government. According to him, the purchase of fourteen aircraft, training of personnel, ammunition and service for two years is according to him. "The purchase of US F-16 aircraft is the most economically advantageous and technically most advantageous solution," added the Prime Minister.

The government announced the purchase of US fighters after the meeting. Foto N – Tomáš Benedikovič

The army will also have new 3D radars of medium, small and narrow range, provided by the Ministry of Defense under form of government – government. The draft resolution has been approved by the Security Council and the Government.

The opposition SaS called on Wednesday the government to postpone the decision on the fighters. He prevented the Ministry of Defense from publishing material for fighters until several hours before the government. [196590017] 13:11

The government approved the purchase of American fighters F-16 "Based on careful analysis, we chose the best solution because it's a modern machine without competition in terms of price, quality and capabilities, and what we can afford as a country, "said Peter Gajdoš. Slovak fighters in defense

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