The atmosphere in the agrosector saves 500 clubs by a dishonest farmer


Unfair practices are mainly in the small farmer and self-employed sector.

4. July 2018 at 13:30 SITA

BRATISLAVA. Traditional and large agricultural enterprises, which constitute the majority of agricultural production in Slovakia, report that the social atmosphere created in the agro-sector in recent weeks is reported by a dishonest farmer


These practices are mainly in the domain of small independent farmers.

The Guardian

The Defense of the Correction

According to its President, Vladimir Sotak, 500 Promotes Traditional Farms and Calls for the Protection of Their Rights

"V Our Club Gathers Owners of Companies employing more than 500 people, not just industrial production, our ranks also own large cooperatives that often face criminal practices from competitors and various speculators, "said Vladimír Soták on Wednesday.

"Despite the fact that thousands of people are employed in the regions, their conditions are The President of Club 500 went on to say that the abusive practices of speculators in the vast majority face even larger traditional agribusiness actors "It is not uncommon for small farmers to meet them," said Sotak

According to Club 500 data, about 25,000 farms are currently in Slovakia, of which only 1,000 have more than 500 ha [19659002Cependantlesplusgrosexploitantsgèrentjusqu'A80%desterrescultivéesetproduisentlagrandemajoritédesculturesagricolesSelonVladimírSotákleurcoûtdeproductionprimairepermetlaproductiond'alimentsdebaseàdesprixacceptablestantpourleschaînesdemagasinsquepourlesconsommateurs

larger farmers can disappear

Founder of Slovak farmer cooperative and member of club 500 Daniel J. Kratky said Wednesday that agribusiness is an activity that requires significant investment and a long-term strategy, and consumer pressure on prices brings the farmer back to a certain size

cents per liter, while that large farms can produce food at prices that consumers are willing to pay, "said Kratky. At the same time, he added that he was appalled by other discussions about unfair practices in agriculture, which blamed unfair agricultural practices in large agribusiness companies, while Kratke's reality was exactly the same. opposite.

Vladimir Sotak also opposed the representation of large agribusiness companies. subjects contrary to the ethic. "It is unacceptable that companies that maintain the functional umbrella and achieve excellence in the management of their cooperatives are represented as unethical entities." It is also necessary to adopt amendments to the legislation. which would help them to strengthen the enforcement of their property and rental rights, "added Soták

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