The attack of a 21-year-old man with Zilinci, aged three, is this: The case has taken over NAKA


Judge of the District Court (PS), Žilina, for the preparatory procedure, Wednesday (25.7.) Moved the prosecutor and decided to take custody of Lukáš Zilina, 21-year-old Tadeáš from Zilina District and Petra z Žiliny , 23, who are accused of a crime of injury to health and the cause of hooliganism in complicity. "The reason for the torture was the fear of continuing the crime." Two charges complained against the blow and one of them filed suit, " said the prosecutor and the spokesman of the Regional Prosecutor's Office of Žilina Milan Cisarik

KR PZ has had children on Friday, July 21, in Kuzmany Street in Žilina to physically attack a 21-year-old man and subsequently two other men aged 19 and 31 who tried to prevent them from attacking. two men were attacked by the act of serious injury, " said a spokesman for the regional police.The accused threatens to be sentenced to four to ten years in prison case of guilt.

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