The attacker stabbed at least 14 people in a German bus


The attacker, who had already been arrested by the police, stabbed the passengers with a knife on a bus in Lübeck.

At least 14 people were injured Friday while attacking a knife with an unknown attacker on a bus route in the city of Lübeck, in northern Germany. Two people are, according to the first information, barely injured, easily.

Police confirmed that no one had been killed in the attack and that the attacker had been arrested. A police spokesman in Lubeck said that the attack had occurred in the district of Kücknitz. According to the spokesperson, the police are investigating the circumstances and the motive for the attack of the assailant

According to the daily Lübecker Nachrichten, an Iranian attacker is about 35 years old.

A bus to the German city of Travemünde was duly booked by travelers

he dropped the backpack and lit the knife to others. When the bus driver noticed him, he stopped and opened the door to let him flee.

After reporting the attack, several police cars and rescue crew members entered.

The city of Lübeck is located in the north of Schleswig-Holstein. ! 19659009] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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