The Australian giant Knickers weighs more than the pickup


This plus size bull, however, just saved his life. A huge bull, named Knickers, was rescued by Australian farmers who claim to be too big to kill him. Knickers is 195 centimeters tall, as well as basketball legend Michael Jordan and weighs 1,400 kilograms, about as much as Toyota Hilux.

On the Australian images, one can see this nice giant while he happily triumphed fields with the rest of the flock. He does not even seem to realize that he is in something else. Unlike his friends, however, he has the privilege of being able to survive here all his life and he does not expect it. "It's too heavy. We would not even do it in treatment,"Said his owner Geoff Pearson.

A field with a good history

" ATit will be a happy ending,"He says further Pearson. He told the local newspaper that he had bought it for only $ 400, exactly like an ox to steer the flock. He had always gone astray in front of the other males, since it was only a calf. Her owner hopes and thinks that Knickers will always be happy for a few years. He even admitted how he came to his menu, which we can literally translate as "Furs".

When we were young, we had a Brahman bull. We called it Bra only (in English bra). When they started spending a lot of time with Knickers, we decided to have a bra and panties. Despite the fact that Knickers broke out, it's still not the biggest cow ever recorded. Since 2010, the Guinness Book lists a cow called Bellino, which measures nearly two meters.

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