The Austrian court exempts radicals from the Identity Bloc movement


The Identity Bloc movement, originally from France in 2002, is considered an extreme right

27. July 2018 at 21:53 TASR

GRAZ. The prosecutor's office of Graz challenges the quarterly verdict of the county court, which exempts the 17 defendants, heads of the Austrian branch of the far-right Bloc identity, from all the main points of the trial

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Legal Activity, Crimes

"If a core organization carries out a legal activity, it is not a criminal group, even if it is a criminal organization. "

The judges rejected the conviction of the accused for provoking moods and creating a criminal group. "

The Spread of Xenophobic Ideology

The Two Defendants Sentenced Fines for Damaging Foreign Property

Argumentation that Defendants Aged 20 to 35 Years Old were Involved in Spreading the Property xenophobic ideology, the defense refused, arguing that their critics had never been directed against the refugees, and that "we have a parallel society in us, and this is not the fault of the Bloc." Identity but the bad policy of the last 20-30 years: UNESCO published the first anti-Semitism guide

The public prosecutor's office, according to the terms of its chief Thomas Mühlbacher for APA, will use the legal means to change verdicts, release and fines

which will deal with the case, will become the High Court of Appeal, which will have the opportunity to abolish the verdict of the court of first instance and return the affair e for a new hearing, of course even the possibility of dismissing the appeal, but also to follow the procedure of evidence

Head of the Austrian Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Struggle and Terrorism Peter Grindling in the Saturday edition of the Wiener Zeitung magazine, informed the APA on Friday night, criticized the court's decision in Graz, stating that the main actors would now seek to use it as evidence that 39, they are not part of ultra-right-wingers

Grindling wishes to await the final verdict of the Austrian judiciary and, therefore, it does not mean whether it will affect the approach of his institution to the cluster in the future [196590012] & nbsp; Identity that has been created in France meanwhile has its officials in Germany, where is overseen its Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution or Austria, where it is collected by the Federal Office for the protection of the Constitution and the fight against terrorism as a racist nationalist

Just in mid-March, the court in Baden, Baden, he totally liberated the right-wing extremists, members of the movement mentioned in the Austrian capital of April 2016, to present the Nobel laureate for literature Elfried Jelinek in 1968.

The slogan of the radicals: Integration is Lit

About 700 participants issued leaflets with text called " multi-K ills "and artificial blood injected. The court, in the reasons for the verdict, stated that the disturbing action did not disturb the assembly and added that theatrical and concert events were explicitly excluded from the realm of fact.

In the autumn of 2016, they broke the event at the University of Klagenfurt promote the integration of foreigners.

The radical slogan "Integrity is a lie" was not directed against the law against integration, but against misconceptions

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