The average salary in DBO has increased by almost eight percent to 1372 euros | Article | goods


Bratislava, July 12 (TASR) – In the Bratislava region, the average monthly salary for the first quarter of 2018 was 1372 euros, up 7.6% year-on-year. other. This is due to data from the Bratislava Office of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic for companies employing 20 or more persons and for financial intermediation organizations irrespective of the number of employees

The highest wages were paid by employees in the information and communications sector (EUR 2060), electricity, gas, steam and cold air (EUR 2017), financial and insurance activities (1994) and professional, scientific and technical activities (1780 eur). Longer-term wages are paid in the hotel and catering (EUR 705), administrative services (EUR 802), agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors (EUR 880). ), education (924 EUR), other leisure activities (974 euros)

Compared with the same period of the previous year, wages in the extractive industry (index 153 , 2%) increased the most. The water supply sector recorded the highest drop in years of the rainy season; (95.1%)

A significant difference in salary was also in terms of property relations. In the private sector, they had 1444 euros, the highest of which in foreign-invested organizations was 1583 euros. In the private sector, wages rose by 6.2%, in the public sector by 11.5%, but in the private sector by 210 EUR.

Wage differences were also recorded by territory. The highest were in the District of Bratislava II (1533 euros), the lowest in the district of Pezinok (1037 euros). The salary from one year to the next only decreased in the district of Pezinok (index 97%). In the other districts of the region, it increased from 4.1% in the Malacky district to 11.8% in the district of Bratislava V.

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