The battle between Huawei and Samsung begins. Who introduced for the first time a smartphone with a "hole" in the screen? |


Magnify the display at all costs, incredible growth took place last year among all smartphone manufacturers. Most high-end manufacturers have proposed an alternative to unseemly cuts in the display, but a few have offered some other followers to determine the trends. Throughout the year, we saw slides, sliding top panelso minimalist slots in the form of a drop. But high-end producers are looking for an even better and less perceptible alternative that could replace the technology known until now. The last "discovery" is supposed to be minimalist cut exclusively for the camera, which should be located in the upper left corner of the smartphone.

Samsung vs Huawei

The first smartphone with a minimalist display had to be new Galaxy A8s from Samsung, whose show is scheduled for this December. According to rumors, this smartphone would have made Samsung the first "revolutionary" among high-end producers. The first coronations were however useless. The latest revelations are Huawei's incoming smartphone, which will also be introduced in December. On the poster itself published by the famous Leaker Ice universe, there is an essential link – the first smartphone with a "hole" on the screen.

We do not yet know the name of the new Huawei smartphone, but it is almost certain that Huawei will present its first smartphone with a hole in the display in September. It will take a few weeks for the manufacturer to release the first pair of this pair.

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