The big Hollywood still in trouble: three charges of sexual assault


From February to April, police reported that a 58-year-old man from South Orange, New Jersey, assaulted men in London and Gloucesteri. The number of allegations against Spacey investigated by the London police has increased to six – one attack and five charges of sexual assault

Two of the latest reported incidents reportedly occurred in London – in 1996 in Westminster and in 2008 in Lambeth, and the third in 2013 in Gloucesteri. In 2017, police reported an assault in 2008 in Lambeth and two sexual assaults in 2005, one in Lambeth and the other in Westminster. The double Oscar has accused more than 30 men of having sex. The charges of sexual assault against the actor are also the subject of an investigation by the Los Angeles District Procuratorate

. The controversy over sexual harassment has spread around Spacey last October when actor Anthony Rapp accused him of 14 years. The native of New Jersey justified this charge and said he did not mention the incident. On this occasion, he also announced that he was gay. Later, he also denied all other allegations that were made

. The allegations of sexual harassment led to the end of cooperation with Spacey on several projects. For example, the House of Cards (2013) or All Dust of the World (2017), in which all his scenes were filmed again with Christopher Plummer

Kevin Spacey holds two awards for the Academy of arts and sciences of cinema. As part of the Best Supporting Act, he received the title of Best Actor (1995) and Best Male Actor for the American Beauty Award (1999). He has also appeared in the films The Death Epidemic (1995), Sedem (1995), Los Angeles – Secret Facts (1997), Negotiator (1998), World Under Prot (2001), Coastal Releases (2001), Life of David Gale (2016), The nine lives of Fusic (2016), The rebel in rye (2017), The men who believe in goats (2009), The bosses of slaughter (2011)) or Baby Driver (2017) . Since 2013, he has starred in the House of Cards series, which won his first Golden Globe in 2015 and two Screen Actors Guild Awards in 2015 and 2016. (1969006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function) {n.callMethod?
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