The boss of Alibaby, Jack Ma, is on the communist side


He said that political ties did not affect his trade decisions in the field of trade.

27. November 2018 at 21:56 TASR

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Shanghai. Jack Ma, head of the largest Chinese Internet company of Alibaba and the best-known Chinese capitalist, is a member of the Communist Party.

On Monday, he wrote to the newspaper People's Daily and the Daily, informing the public that the billionaire is politically unorganized.

The Reuters news agency reported on Tuesday.

Jack Ma is the richest Chinese

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The People's Daily revealed Jack Mao's membership in the country when he published a list of hundreds of people who, according to the daily, helped promote the "reforms and the". opening "of the country.

He is the richest man in China with $ 35.8 billion in assets, according to Forbes magazine.

The reason the newspaper decided to mention the affiliation of the entrepreneur Maa is not clear, but the information was released at a time when Beijing is trying to persuade private companies of the country to be more in line with Party principles.

Beijing is particularly challenging in the technology sector, which is growing rapidly thanks to the success of private companies.

He had spectacular projects in the United States

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In September, he announced that he would resign from the position of Alibaba Group Holding Group next year. He is the Chinese business leader who attracts the most attention.

He has acted as an advisor to political leaders in Asia and Europe and has also had some spectacular projects in the United States.

The businessman built a giant 390-billion-dollar Alibaby company that dominates the Internet market. His activities range from logistics to social media. He also founded the financial and technological area of ​​Alipay, a popular Internet payment system.

Surprised Chinese

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Ma's political affection surprised many people. In the previous survey, most Chinese people asked, "Is Jack Ma a member of the Communist Party?" she replied that she was not there.

Alibaba declined to comment on Maa's membership report to the party, but the company spokesman told Reuters on Tuesday that political relations had no impact on the company's business or taking decision-making process.

"We respect all the laws and regulations in force in the countries where we operate, because we all want to fulfill our mission: to facilitate trade in the digital age," said the spokesman. Ali Baba.

The newspaper did not write when Ma became a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

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