The bus intruder is silent New time


The man who attacked a knife Friday in a bus route in the city of Lübeck, north of Germany, refuses to talk to his investigators about his arrest. She was informed by Ulla Hingstova at the press conference of the President of the Lübeck Attorney.

According to him, the prosecutor's office is preparing a 34-year-old man to charge assault, willful bodily injury and deliberate fire. The man was born in Iran, has a German nationality and lives in Lübeck. (19659004) Hans-Joachim Grote, Minister of the Interior, told Bild daily that the attack took place around 13:47 on a bus route 30 from Kücknitz district, which was heading towards a Saturday, said the agency Hingst. Travemünde Woche Travemünde Woche Travemünde Woche

Later, at a joint press conference with the Lübeck Public Prosecutor, he stressed the driver's spirit, which prevented a greater number of victims by his actions. Grote said that the bus driver noticed the smoke in the vehicle in the rearview mirror, so he stopped and opened all the doors. The attacker was then to launch a headless attack on the passengers with a knife It is not yet clear whether this happened on a bus or on the outside. The driver had the physical encounter with the man during which he hit him in the face. The driver finally overcame the attacker with the help of passengers, Grote said.

Hingst confirmed the information that the attacker had left a bumper on the bus, "no explosives or something similar."

Based on current knowledge, it is possible to clearly exclude the terrorist context from the act as well as the attachment of the attacker to such an environment.

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