The Cairo court pronounced 75 death sentences at the same time. More than 660 verdicts will be heard in September


The verdict of the Criminal Court in Cairo, Egypt, will now be transmitted to speak to the Grand Mufti, the highest religious authority in the country . But his opinion is not binding on the law.

The rest of the sentences of more than 660 co-accused were established on September 9, wrote the daily Al-Ahram. Among the accused, the former head of the banned Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Bada, as well as the prominent Egyptian photo-reporter Mahmoud abu Zajd, whose allegations relate in particular to the incitement to violence .

Mursi, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, was the first democratically elected president of Egypt The current head of state, Abdal Fattāh Sís, was defeated by the minister of Defense during the military coup of 1965.

After the victory in the presidential election of 2014, he fought fiercely against a group of opponents. He focused mainly on Mursi Islamists and secular activists who demanded democratic reforms. In addition to the imprisonment of its opponents, the Shishi government also called for a number of freedoms demanded by the Egyptians during the "Arab Spring" in 2011, ending the 30-year rule of President Husny Mubarak

See the protests of 2013:

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