The Canadian park administrator survived the grizzly bear attack


The manager managed to run in the car before the bear.

The Trustee of the West Columbia Nature Reserve, BC, survived the grizzly bear attack, thanks to the fact that he was able to bury it at l & # 39; hospital.

Jordan Carbery wanted to photograph grizzly bears on a cherry tree in his own home near Bella Coola's home. The fact that he was a puppy only found him when the bear who bit him in the head and leg

Carbery managed to run into the car and run into a hospital to ten minutes

According to an investigator from the Office of the Protector of Canada, Lena Butler, the bears are neutral because their mother attacked the horror photographer in self-defense and is not dangerous to the public [19659003] For safety reasons, they plan to remove the cherries or fry them (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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