The candidate for mayor, Hlohovec, attacked the election and lost only 32 votes


According to the election results, Miroslav Kollár won 2,610 votes, while Oliver Pestúň received 2,578 votes. Kollar just issued a statement at the election night in which he admitted the elections, but the end result was different. For erroneous information, he then justified. The pest also brought this fact before the constitutional court.

"The applicant therefore complains of the result of the elections, the accuracy of the counting of the ballots and the assessment of the invalid ballot papers as valid and invalid ballots as invalid. the individual district election commissions, and asks the Constitutional Court of the SR to re-examine and recalculate them in case of reasonable doubt as to the validity of the calculation of the vote of the candidates for the mayor of Hlohovec, " written in a complaint.

According to the complainant, there is a discrepancy between the official results of the election and the count of the electoral staff of his opponent. The Constitutional Court has proposed to declare the mayor of Hlohovec invalid. He must rule on the complaint within 90 days.

The Constitutional Court records 89 complaints

The Constitutional Court (S) of the RS registered 89 complaints concerning the unconstitutionality or wrongfulness of the elections to the local self-government bodies that took place on 10 November. In 84 complaints, the petitioners are natural persons and in five cases political parties. "In the complaints in question, the procedural steps necessary to rule on the case are currently under way", informed Tomáš Senaj from the office of the Central Office of the Slovak Republic. According to the law, the statS rule on a complaint about the unconstitutionality or illegality of the elections or the results of the elections to a local self-governing body within 90 days of its holding.

In seven complaints, the petitioners challenged the unconstitutionality and illegality of the mayor's election. This applies in Bratislava, Nováky, Hlohovec, Spišské Vlachy, Nemšová, Poltár and Čierna nad Tisou. Thirty-six other complaints concern municipal elections. These are the municipalities of Sliepkovce, Dolné Srnie, Želovce, Jablonka, Komjatice, Nižné Nemecké, Hriadky, Čierny Brod, Žehňa, Mlynky, Lysica, Tichý Potok, uborie, uborie, Dolný Harmanec, Bzany, Brzotín, Veľký Biel, Hrnčiarske Zalužany, Trnovec nad Váhom, Kaloša, Pavlovce nad Uhom, Jánovce, Lozorno, Markušovce, Haluzice, Rišňovce, Zombor, Švedlár, Kanianka and Bartianovo

In 30 cases, the petitioners generally oppose the unconstitutionality and illegality of elections to local and regional authorities of cities and municipalities. These are the cities of Tornaľa and Púchov and the villages of Richnava, Prašník, Vrbnica, Dačov, Poriadie, Gemer, Vadovce, Suchá Hora, Vyšný Orlík, Malčice, Zavar, Ondrejovce, Muránska Dlah Láka, Blatna Liptovský Ján, Vlkanová, Ulická Krivá , Hranovnica, Parchovany, Osturňa, Plešivec, Hostišovce and Láb.

Other complaints concern the election of deputies from municipal, local and general representations. It concerns the cities of Bratislava, Vysoké Tatry, Sládkovičovo, Tvrdošín and Trnava, Bratislava-Rača and Ondrejovce, Bunkovce, Stará Myjava, Boliarov, Brzotin, Lipovec, Peceňady, Peceňady, Dolná Streda and Lutila. In a complaint, the petitioner challenges the procedure initiated by the chairman of the electoral commission of the village of Hrnčiarske Zalužany as part of the withdrawal of the list of candidates.

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