The capital appealed a gambling decision


The capital asks the Supreme Court to revise a resolution of a regional court which, according to Bratislava, involves a clear legal fault.

The seat of the capital was filed by the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic Friday with a complaint against the decision of the Bratislava Regional Court on Gambling.

Thursday (July 26), members of the petition committee for the ban on gambling and members of a working group made up of deputies from the Bratislava City Council supported the meeting of the Council municipal. "We agreed that it is necessary that the Supreme Court decide at a time when the VZN does not expire yet," said Bratislava Mayor Ivo Nesrovnal

. The capital asks the Supreme Court to revise a resolution of the regional court, which, according to Bratislava, contains an obvious legal fault.

"We must not allow the limitation or even the denial of the right of city-dwellers and their elected representatives to change the danger on their territory," said Unbalanced, adding that the possibility of a new petition to ban the game remains open. I do not believe that the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic will decide for the benefit of the citizens of Bratislava and that the interests of the decent people will be promoted above the interests of the citizens of Bratislava. Gambling Oligarchs,

The generally binding regulation on the banning of games in Bratislava was adopted on March 30, 2017 and came into force on May 1, 2017. On May 15, 2017, the city received a protest from Prosecutor of the Bratislava Regional Office, with generally binding regulations, the Office of the Prosecutor accepted the argument of the Office of the Prosecutor and passed a law on June 7

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