The cartoon caught the conservatives, he wanted the machine guns in the nurseries


Firearms and submachine guns with nurseries. The reworked comedian shamed politicians and gun advocates.

Sasha Baron Cohen, a well-known comedian, performed well in the United States.

  Sasha Baron Cohen: With his new gesture, he stressed that politicians are able to say no matter what.

Sasha Baron Cohen: With his new initiative, he pointed out that politicians were able to say something. they are able to say no matter what.

Photo: SITA

This time, he was acting as Colonel Mossad Erran Morada, and he left among the Republicans and defense advocates of the US Army.

  Carpet: Sasha Baron Cohen, Colonel Erran Morad

Rugger: Sasha Baron Cohen, Colonel Erran Morad.

Photo: Videos

Branch Branch

"The NRA (National Association of Armament Bearers) wants to arm the teachers – it's ridiculous, they should arm the children." Cohen starts in a video that He published. It is masked to be extremely masculine and hard

  Car for children: Of the real one is distinguished by the plush

The car for children: Of the real is distinguished by plush.

Photo: Videos

He uses his height of 191 centimeters and acts as a secret sergeant. In the video, he is dressed in black, he does not have his pockets to hide the trays

Stuffed animals

First deposit for Philip van Cleave, president of the Vigiline League for the protection of the citizens. With him, they posted a video for school nurses to learn how to defend themselves. In a conversation, he was preceded by pronounced provocative sentences: "My son was in the first program of this kind – that he rests in peace.He died when he did the things that I did. 39; love. "

  Feed it and print its belly: Instruction for children to catch a rifle

Feed it and print its belly: Instruction for children to catch a rifle.

Photo: Videos

But that did not even trigger a warning to Van Cleave. On the video with Cohen, for example, the puppy puppy was a normal weapon on which a teddy bear was tied. "Feed him and print his stomach," says Van Cleave, showing a gun and firing a weapon.

Cohen succeeds in persuading current and former members of Congress to publicly support the Schlockers Project

  No Limit: According to Brother Joe Wilson, the second addition is not about the age limit

No Limit: According to MP Joe Wilson's second supplement of age restriction.

Photo: Videos

"A three-year-old can not defend himself against the rifle by throwing a Hello Kity pencil after the attacker.Our founding fathers did not give an age limit for the second supplement , " said South Carolina's Congressman Joe Wilson with a serious face." According to California member Dan Rohrabacher, schoolgirl training can help safety. "Toddlers are pure, unthinkable by false reports or by homosexuality. They do not see it's politically correct to shoot a mad shooter, " shocked by Larry Pratt, the honorary chief of the US Arms Holding Organization.

  Larry Pratt: Obvious fools in the camera.

Larry Pratt: He was talking to the camera with fools. He did not do it at all.

Photo: Videos

Pheromone Blink-182

He was caught in complete madness. "Children under five years old have a high level of pink pheromone-182, which is formed in part of the liver called Rita Ora" says Pratt. Blink-182 is an annual band and singer of Rita Ora. Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman, also coached Morah for the training of young children

  Defeated: Joe Walsh first promoted the training of children in the video, then re-enlisted. is defended by deceiving him

Disappointed: Joe Walsh first set up the training of children for video, then defended himself by deceiving him.

Photo: Videos
[19659906] "Intensive program of three weeks of kindergarten students will recruit selected children from 12 to 4 years old with guns, rifles, fully automatic weapons," says the video in . Later, he expressed on Twitter that he was reading what the Israelis were doing.

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