The cause of fireworks in the workshop Liptovská Lúžná is at the stage of investigation


The workshop was burning with the buzz.

The cause of the fire of the Liptovská Lúžná carpentry workshop, Ružomberok district, occurred on Monday, November 26, is currently the subject of an investigation. TASR informed Tuesday Marek Panák of the Regional Directorate of Fire and Rescue Corps (KR HaZZ) in Žilina.

The fire is declared at the operational center after 10 o'clock. Firefighters from the Ružomberok station accompanied by two technicians went to the station. "Upon their arrival, they discovered that a fire was the subject of a frying workshop at the unfolded stage of burning and the adjoining hay rattle. During firefighting, the firefighters proceeded to fight the fire of the affected objects and simultaneously dismantled the roof structure of humanity with the necessary tools, "said Panák, the hay being carried away in an open space, where he was filled with water.

There was no personal injury to the fire. During the intervention, the professional fire brigade cooperated with volunteer corps members of Liptovská Lúžná and Liptovská Osada.

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