The Chinese economy slows growth to 6.7% – Economy – News


The Chinese economy recorded a moderate slowdown in the growth rate in the second quarter in the second quarter, especially when the government's efforts to reduce the high public debt have hit the economic activity. The results, which were also confirmed by economic analysts, were released Monday by the Chinese Statistical Office.

China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) advanced in the second quarter
in the same period the previous year of 6.7%. In the first quarter, growth was achieved

As for the inter-quarter comparison, the growth rate of the Chinese economy is
in the second quarter accelerated and at the same time exceeded the expectations of economists. growth
Gross domestic product (GDP) adjusted for seasonal effects reached 1.8%
after 1.4% growth over the first three months of the year. Economists were waiting for
economic growth accelerated to only 1.6%.

However, analysts point out that debt relief measures
too violent. In addition, the economic situation could worsen or even worsen
trade dispute with the United States. According to them, the government should focus more on
support to the economy.

"There is a risk that the Chinese economy will slow down in the coming period
significantly higher, "said Citigroup economists. According to many
analysts would in this case have the Chinese government to support the economy
more powerful than ever

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