The coalition in Germany decided the fate of migrants


Presidents of the parties, The Grand Coalition in Germany, Thursday night at the Coalition Council in Berlin, agreed on a package of measures against illegal migration and strengthening of asylum policy.

The Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Andrea Nahles and Olaf Scholz at the end of the briefing that the coalition parties agreed to speed up the procedure of 39; asylum. In addition, the firm is expected to submit an immigration bill in the fall of this year, a central requirement of the SPD

Before arriving at the meeting, Nahles announced that the coalition partner of the conservative party CDU / CSU submit a new proposal based on principles and solidarity

The head of the SPD later concluded that asylum seekers who were registered in other Member States from the EU would not be unilaterally returned to the border with Austria They will be returned within 48 hours to the country where the request was made; as a rule, it will be via the Munich Airport Nahles pointed out that such a procedure would only be possible if bilateral agreements with the concerned states were concluded and that these migrants would also be taken over. (19659003) According to Nahles, will not create camps or centers The CDU and the CSU have already agreed to a compromise involving the creation of transit centers for migrants on the border with the city. 39; Austria. However, the SPD denied this sign, so the head of the CSU and Horst Seehofer, the federal interior minister, proposed the term "transfer centers". However, the term "transit center" is not mentioned in the coalition compromise. Nevertheless, Seehofer expressed his satisfaction with the compromise and declared that the rule of law would now be applied to borders

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Returning migrants will only be at the border with Austria ] and as part of a new agreement must be processed on the premises of federal police establishments located in the immediate vicinity of the Austrian border, unless & # 39; they are not located directly in the transit areas of Munich airport. Families with children and people in need of special protection will be assigned special zones. These legal migrants do not enter the territory of Germany

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