The complete eclipse of the moon in photos


On Friday, at 9:30 pm, a complete lunar eclipse began, which was observable, among others, from the Slovak Republic. It took 103 minutes, and there will be more here by the end of this century.

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A partial extinguishment was preceded by a partial extinguishment that occurred at 20:24 and in which the moon was gradually covered with light. a terrestrial shadow.

At complete eclipse, the moon does not disappear from the sky, it acquires only the red brick to red It is caused by its cover in the Earth's shadow, in which Sunlight breaks on the Earth's air cover similar to the optical prism.

This year, at a time similar to the moon, it enters a fascinating position with respect to the Earth and the Sun and the planet Mars. It is in great opposition to the Sun, and the Earth has approached 57.5 million kilometers, making it extremely clear. At the moment of the phenomenon, it is less than six degrees south of the Moon. The observation of the Moon and Mars could be seen at the naked eye, and some details were observed on the Mars.

For example, people from southern Africa Mind Good Hope met at the sight of an unusual celestial phenomenon, on Red Square in Moscow and the iconic Sydney Opera House. In Australia, many people have paid to see the complete eclipse at the Sydney Observatory. According to Hindu figures, the celestial bodies of the Sun and Moon emit negative energy and such a large series of temples in India remained closed on Friday

The inhabitants of North America and most of Islands of the Pacific Ocean On the other hand, people in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, in addition to moonlighting, have been able to observe the unusually bright planet Mars, which is Is opposite to the Sun. The complete eclipse of the Moon lasted until 23:13 then the moon lasted nearly an hour from the partial shadow of the Earth. Another complete eclipse of this satellite will only occur in 2029, but it will be shorter than this year's

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