The controversial exhibition of Ringo Čecha is about to end


Peter Mikol Bohúňa Gallery in Liptov has opened the Ringo ever, never rembrant. Some of the staff have reservations about this and get away from it publicly. They even ask him to download

LIPTOVSKÝ MIKULÁŠ. The exhibition of the works of the Czech musician František Ring Czech, founder of the Olympic group, installed a gallery in the center of Liptovský Mikuláš in the premises of the Kolomana Sokol Gallery

Peter Cabadaj, curator exhibitor, explains that the Exhibition address especially to those who appreciate individual humor. the life of František Ringo Čecha

Because the sexuality contained in the images is not intended for children and young people

"There has always been and we will find nowadays critics who make the Ring resonate Rude vocabulary, too insignificant expressions, vulgarism, perversity Ringo has always admitted to the Margo critics that he is not mistaken in his judgments

Gýčové, obscene and inverted

The expert employees of the gallery with the exhibition disagree and publicly denied

Also read: Not in the crowns of trees.

Represents their gallery Employee Erika Benicka, professional designer, restaurateur, member of the House Reenitants

"On our behalf, as well as on behalf of the gallery's professional staff, we are moving away from this exhibition. Benická writes in an open letter

He addresses the founder of the gallery, the artistic community, the city of Liptovský Mikuláš and the media [19659003] They argue that the work of František Ringo Čech does not contain elements worthy of recognition, quality, genius of the masterful presentation of forms of visual expression, that the art usually provides

"Its stylized naturalistic expression is unexplored, monotonous, too much lively, gutchy, sarcastic, obscene and deviant, without the knowledge of the ethical responsibility of the art, with a very low level of expression.In addition, the content is the deepest form of. humiliation of the cultural and ethical principles to which we report. "

Benicka adds that it is an insidious pornography that insults parodically and where racism, xenophobia, sexism, hatred towards refugees, relativisation of values ​​democ European Socialists has a dangerous social and political character

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