The court found Markieze with New, Skylink is to prevent them from spreading illegally. television


Nova and Markíza were able to convince the Skylinka operator through preliminary appeals against M7 Group, Nova and Markíza. The court issued two preliminary measures concerning the unauthorized broadcasting of the Novy stations in Slovakia and the Markíza TV channels in the Czech Republic

The court decision informed commercial television. They state that, under interim injunctions, M7 Group is required to block access to TV Nova TV programs on decoding cards that allow users to access Skylink's content services in Slovakia.

At the same time, the Skylinka operator can not offer and sell decoder cards in Slovakia allowing access to Nova TV stations.

Similarly, the provisional measure in which the M7 Group is obliged to block access to TV Markíza TV programs on decoding cards for the Czech Republic can not offer and sell decoder cards allowing the Access to Markíza TV stations.

"The court upheld our belief that Skylinka's conduct was illegal and we will systematically enforce the end of this illegal proliferation, and we will act against the company and its agents with regard to their responsibility for this condition", said Štěpán Peichl, director of the Novy legal section.

Televisions indicate that Skylinka's behavior is surprising, as it contrasts with the contracts they've made with the operator. "Valid contracts limit the distribution of TV Nova channels broadcast in the Czech Republic and TV Markíza in Slovakia, as has already been agreed with many other distributors two years ago," adds Š. Peichl.

Nova and Markiza add that if the M7 Group had violated the provisional injunctions and continued the illegal distribution of television stations outside the licensed territories, the television would take legal action to enforce the court's decision and stop the illegal distribution of its stations. Skylink platforms.

In the same case, Prima TV also goes to the courts. Even in his case, the court ruled in the same way, and Skyline ordered that his station in Slovakia be temporarily not enlarged.

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