The court ruled: Trnavská maternity can pay the death of the child and must pay damages


Photo: TV Markíza

The tragedy in the birth hall has marked them for life. Despite a flawless pregnancy, the young child of Trnava died five years ago during childbirth. The hospital must now pay them thousands of euros. The doctor who was at the time of work but continues to work at the hospital on the top post

"You get up the cradle before birth, and you put it in the chest for four days after the". childbirth ", tells the father of a deceased daughter Pavol Hluchý

His wife underwent regular checks, the child gained weight and is developing normally, and when the woman had pain at the Birth, Pavol went to his breastfeeding room, and the hour before delivery was the sound of the child.

"Before the baby's birth began to echo, the doctor evaluated this ultrasound, that everything was fine and that nothing was wrong," Mr. Deaf described the situation a few years ago [19659004] his sisters could not hear him. They wanted to tell him that they must act quickly, because the child's sounds weaken.

Finally, the sisters approached the woman, that we must be born. one of her came to her side pressed against her belly the second came to the parents that she would drive the child but at that moment the doctor appeared in the door and came at birth itself, "said the father of the deceased

<img class =" a501_image a501_image "alt =" The father of Adelka Photo: TV Markíza

Adelka was born without signs of life, according to the abusive report that the child was completely healthy. monitoring the status of the fetus during the first part of the fetus, that is, the wrong way to give birth, "said Andrea Pivarci, a decision of the Office of Surveillance of Health Care .

Parents sought justice in the courts. He decided after five years. The hospital must pay damages for the death of their daughters. The spokesman of the Trnava Regional Court, Jana Kondakova, confirmed that the defendant was obliged to pay the applicants moral damages of 16,000 euros.

Trnavská fakultní nemocnice gave us the following opinion: "The decision of the Trnava faculty fully respects and is not obliged to comment, respectively."

The hospital and parents agree that they will not appeal the judgment The unborn doctor, born at birth, works at the hospital as head of the gynecological and postnatal clinic and was appointed by the dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Work Because he has a vacation, we have tried to call him on his cell phone, asking him to ask himself if it is normal for a doctor who does not have a vacation to do so. not paying enough attention to birth should act first. According to the hospital, the next surgery will be resolved at the beginning of the school year, that is to say end of September and October


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