The Cygnus spacecraft has increased the orbit of the base of the ISS


This was a short test maneuver that succeeded

11. July 2018 at 11:18 TASR

NEW YORK. The American spacecraft Cygnus made a maneuver in the night of Tuesday to increase the space station of the International Space Station (ISS)

The US National Authority for Aviation and Space (NASA) informed the

Cygnus Supply Ship (19659006) In less than 90 meters

The Cygnus CRS OA-9E switched its main engine for 50 seconds to increase the base's orbit. 39, about 90 meters.

According to NASA, it was a short test maneuver that was successful, so it could be used repeatedly and extended in the future

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US ship for the first time since July 2011, when it was unloaded from the US shuttle fleet.

The ISS Track Maintains Other Orbits

The ISS's orbits are usually performed once in a few months with the help of Russian Progress, Russian Zvezda or European ATV

L & # 39; orbit of the ISS around the Earth decreases automatically with time

Cygnus must be disconnected from the ISS on July 15th. On the orbital basis, there are currently six crew members: the Americans Drew Feustel, Ricky Arnold and Serena Auffon-Chancellor, the German Alexander Gerst and Rusi Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Prokopiev

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