The Czech actor Lubomir Kostelka has died


The Czech actor Lubomir Kostelka has died

Prague, November 28, 2018 (SITA / HSP / Photo: Pixabay)

The actor Lubomír Kostelka, known especially for his Czech comedies, died as a result of a sudden heart attack. The writers of have confirmed this fact to their son, Martin Kostelka

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The native of Přerov has appeared in many films, including Shame Hat (1971), Spinach (1977), Babovresky (2013) and Babovresky 2 (2014). He has also appeared in fairy tales, but he has also directed such valuable films as Chicken Melancholik (1999) for which he was nominated for the Czech Lion and Babí Leto (2001). He played in entertainment or children's programs and loved to remember his friend Vladimir Menšík, with whom he shared the meaning of the recession. He summarized, among other things, the documentary from the Extraordinary Lives cycle.

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