The Department of Justice is looking for a new building, choosing from four options


BRATISLAVA, July 24 ( – Re-submission of business offers to the new building of the Justice Ministry of the RS brought up to four final possibilities

The Ministry of Justice Justice will rule on one of them. SITA was informed by the spokesperson of the ministry Zuzana Drobová. The initial competition brought two well-known financial group buildings Penta and J & T to the finals

The ministry resided in the Supreme Court of the SR

Gál had previously declared that was a company with a bad reputation .

"We also have some offers that are both costly and technically advantageous for the Department of Justice, but only the social reputation of these owners has been hijacked in the past, and if I had no problem personally, I would have signed one or the other offer for a long time " says Gál

The Ministry of Justice currently resides in Župné náměstí / Bratislava in collaboration with the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic

"Four offers were received in the final decision, which after the assessment meet the economic, technical and safety criteria. The Minister of Justice will choose one of them, because the spatial situation of the Ministry and the Supreme Court of the RS are aggravating Drobová

Gálova výzva účastníků

Minister Gál recently asked all participants to resubmit their offers because the circumstances have changed.The Ministry of Justice wants to first choose the location of new premises, with the result that the department will buy the property for a period of time

The maximum term of the lease and the subsequent purchase of premises is 10 years, but the department should the locals could buy back earlier, "if the Ministry of Finance gives it a green ".

Žitňanská launched a competition for a new building

According to Gala, the current situation would not solve the construction of a new building, because the ministry did not not currently free funds

The current seat of the ministry is in its nature intended for the Supreme Court and requires a major reconstruction, which can not be done in full operation. After the reconstruction, only the Supreme Court of RS, which also uses other premises in Bratislava, will be housed in the building of Župný námestie

The competition for the new building was opened in July 2017 by Lucia Žitňanská (Most-Hid). offers, nine of which reviewed the department and seven then went to the selection price part. In the finale, there were two buildings belonging to Penta and J & T. One is in Bratislava Patrónka, the other in Petržalka, in Digital Park

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