The deputies broke the veto of the president with the amendment to the law on public procurement


MEPs also broke the president's veto by changing the law on public procurement.

27. Nov 2018 o 17:36 (updated 27 Nov 2018 or 17:59) TASR, SITA

BRATISLAVA. The employee recruitment allowance will be introduced despite objections from President Andre Kisk, who vetoed the amendment of the Tourism Promotion Act from a coalition of SNS deputies.

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National Council members also violated President Andre Kisk's veto during the amendment to the Public Procurement Act. Procurement procedures will again be simpler and more efficient.

Chèques Vacances since January

Read also: Kiska returned the Dank holiday checks to the MP

According to the amendment, a new institute – a recruitment allowance – is expected to be introduced from January of next year. The contribution will represent 55% of the eligible costs, up to a limit of 275 euros per year.

The obligation to provide employees with this contribution should be limited to companies with more than 49 employees. Only a person who has worked in the company for at least 24 months will be entitled to it. For employers with 49 employees or less, the ability to provide a vacation check will be optional.

According to the petitioners, this measure should support domestic tourism. MEPs argue that in countries where a similar system has been in place for years, such as France, Hungary or Italy, the incidence of the number of domestic tourists is higher.

Ms. Ondrej Dostal (SaS) stated in the debate that discrimination of employers with 50 or more employees would be mandatory for hiring employees, with employers with fewer than 50 employees being volunteers.

"It discriminates against employees, creating an unjustified difference between the two categories of employees, not on the basis of their own merits, on the basis of the length of their employment with the employer, their age, but only on the basis of the fact that they can not influence. "Dostal said stating that this was contrary to the fundamental principles of the Labor Code.

Radovan Balage (SNS) said that several amendments had been made to the law, including representatives of employers and employees, and that the tripartite proposal had also been discussed.

"We have tried to improve the law so that it is not expensive for small and medium-sized businesses.We want to first try with large employers to get this tool," he said. said Balaz.

"We have the ambition to present this institute in time for small and medium-sized companies, while trying to determine how it will work for large companies," added Balaj.

Kiska also talked about dictation

According to President Andrew Kisk, the legal standard discriminates disproportionately against certain employees entitled to a recreation allowance.

According to the President, the approved version of the law contradicts the case-law of the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice on non-discrimination. The law approved, according to the head of state, created three groups of different employees in terms of entitlement to a holiday pay.

Depending on whether they work in the company for less than two years or more, and that the company employs fewer than 50 people or more.

According to the President, some employees have a guaranteed contribution, some are not entitled to it and some can be obtained at the initiative of the employer.

"Such inequality between employees related to the same right to the recreation allowance does not correspond to any real need, can not be achieved by any legitimate objective of social policy of the state and, given the 39 objective of the contribution, such an adjustment is not necessary, "stressed Kiska.

The distinction between employees solely on the basis of the average number of workers in the undertaking and the duration of the employment relationship can not, in his opinion, give rise to an objective reason for the difference in treatment.

The opposition, employers, contractors and chambers of commerce, but also partly experts, criticized the introduction of a recreational contribution as a non-systemic measure. The reservations mainly related to the compulsory provision of the contribution, they requested that it be voluntary.

Public procurement will be simplified

According to the amendment of the public procurement contract, a new type of contract is defined for which a law on public procurement will not apply to a certain financial limit. For simplification, the subcontracting procedure will be modified.

Read also: Employers and non-governmental organizations criticize the selection of candidates for the IWC Council.

Under the approved law, goods and services may be used to prepare and execute the presidency in an international organization or group, or to prepare and insure an international event of a significant nature at the level of the President, the President of the National Council or from a government member, to buy directly.

According to the head of state, there is no reason for this, but the deputies did not agree with the opinion of the president.

"With the simplification of the procedures of each type of contract, the procedure of procurement of low value has been clarified and a new simplified paragraph of the subcontracting procedure is introduced", explains the statement of reasons for the modification of the law.

It also introduces the possibility of an optional bid evaluation committee, the possibility of presenting a "simple" affidavit for the purpose of the prior substitution of documents certifying compliance with the conditions of participation.

Dynamic purchasing system

The approved legislation also makes it possible to refine the current adaptation of the additions to the European directives. In addition, a new formulation of the dynamic purchasing system (DNS) is being introduced.

Extensions of the waiting period when extending the DNS contract and the reasons for the filing of a DNS assignment command will be extended.

The amendment of the law will also lead to changes in the content of the references, the refinement of the procedure for producing references and the deletion of the provision relating to the final mark.

There are also reasons for the refund of the guarantee, abandoning the Quantification percentage of an exceptionally low bid or the proposal to limit the transition time.

The auction auction concept will also be abandoned. The review process of the associated review procedures is reviewed.

The conditions of use of the electronic market will be changed – the modification makes it impossible to award contracts for the execution of construction work via an electronic market.

At the same time, the content of the repair request is reduced and the repair request time has to be adjusted.

The amount of the calculation and the introduction of the concentration principle in the opposition proceedings are adjusted. The amendment also contemplates the simplification of the law of administrative offenses.

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