The destination, also visited by Slovaks, threatens dangerous bacteria


Photo: Lilly Trott /

In the Canary Islands, which are also visited by Slovaks, there is a bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. May cause infection, lung inflammation or meningitis. Bacteria have infected 13 tourists since January, mainly from Sweden and Norway. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control warns that the disease could develop into an epidemic

According to the Center, passengers who come to this desaturation must be aware of all the possible risks. Bacteria in the department area from the beginning
the year they were hospitalized at the hospital the first patient with symptoms to
Klebsiella pnuemoniae. A regular tourist does not have to worry about infections, the risk is threatening if you visit a hospital or medical facility. But people could spread the bacteria in other countries.

"Bacteria are generally harmless, but
can cause a life-threatening infection, including inflammation of the lungs, infections,
meningitis and purulent tissue. Whole genome analysis showed that
all cases of infection come from the same source. How much
The Canary Islands travel a lot of tourists, a hospital could arrive
a source of contagion for other European countries ", says
Center for Disease Prevention and Control, citing

for example, by touching the wound with a dirty hand. AT
therefore, Klebsiella pnuemoniae spreads mainly in hospitals. If you have scratches, change dressings or patches often, do not forget to wash your hands more often

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