The developer HB Reavis sold his second building in London | Real estate business


HB Reavis announced the sale of his second project in London. With a foreign private investor, he agreed to sell the Cooper & Southwark building with high quality offices of over seven thousand square meters at 61 Southwark Street.

This was not a new building. Developer of Slovakian roots, a seven-story building located in the South Bank district of London, has been completely renovated. Part of the reconstruction has also been the transformation of interior spaces and the construction of a continuous office environment. This was accomplished by enlarging the building when approximately 1,100 square meters of new premises were constructed.

Second Sale in London

After the 33 Central, sold by the American Wells Fargo business bank in 2017, the Cooper & Southwark Building is the second completed London project sold or leased to an investor as a whole .

Source: HB Reavis

"The sale of the Cooper & Southwark building demonstrates our ability to create value based on the quality of our projects and the lease terms we have entered into," says Steven Skinner , Director of Business Transactions at HB Reavis. The sale was preceded by a successful lease in April from the entire building of the Global Workplace Solutions division of the international property consultant CBRE.

Other projects in progress

The developer now wants to take charge of another London project. "South Bank will continue to be a key sector for us as we continue our plans for the reconstruction of Elizabeth House in Waterloo to make it one of the city's most important projects," says S. Skinner.

Elizabeth House is a building located near Waterloo Station, which the developer acquired in 2017 with a town planning permit of approximately 88,000 square meters. In the meantime, the company has been working with the AHMM architects as a design partner with whom she wants to collaborate to "create an iconic new project that will provide design office space and will also provide improvements." significant to public spaces ".

Another London project to which the company is dedicated is the construction of a new 20 Farringdon Street, which has a market area of ​​about 7,900 square meters.

33 Central

  33 Central

New office building on King William Street with an area of ​​21,000 square meters. In 2016, these premises were sold to Wells Fargo, which plans to consolidate its teams in London in 2017. The project was designed by British architect John Robertson Architects.

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Office building located at 61 Southwark Street, of an area of ​​seven hundred square meters, to be attributed for the BREAAM Excellent Certificate of Sustainability will be completed later in 2017.

20 Farringdon Street


Office building with a usable area of ​​7,500 square meters to be completed in 2018.

One Waterloo (Elisabeht House)

  One Waterloo (Elisabeht House)

Source: HB Reavis

Elisabeth House is a building located near Waterloo Station, which the developer acquired in 2017 with a planning permission of about 88 000 square meters.Its new form is not known.In the meantime, the company is working with the architects of AHMM to create a new iconic project.

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