The developers explain why the game is exclusive to Xbox – Xboxer


<img class = "aligncenter size-full wp-image-18247" src = "" alt = "Ashen" width = "720" height = "340" srcset = " 720w, 2018 / 04 / Ashen-360×170.png 360w,×245.png 520w "sizes =" (maximum width: 720px) Like games like Demon Souls or Bloodborne are available exclusively on PlayStation, it is quite surprising that Xbox gets the same style of exclusivity, but Ashen only grows for PC and Xbox One and the developers

It's the only thing that's going on. one of the things that Derek Bradley's creative director, GamingBolt, revealed, and he said that the Xbox team had a lot of support for the project in 2014. "Team ID @Xbox belonged to our first supporters, Alexis Garavaryan discovered us in 2014 and brought us to the eq uipe Xbox. With Ashen we looked at the stars and Xbox really stood behind this vision, thanks to " He also said that Ashen works in native resolution 4K on Xbox One X. However, he pointed out that this It's not the last digits, but the current state in which the game runs in that resolution. As for the framerate, it's a big unknown but it would be a shame if the players did not have the choice of 60fps mode. (19659004)

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via GamingBolt

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