The doctor responsible for the death of Adelka is still in the high position!


Despite the trouble-free pregnancy, the young child of Trnava died five years ago during the delivery. The hospital must now pay them thousands of euros. However, the doctor who was born still works in the hospital at a high position.

"For the week before delivery, you fold her and four days after giving birth you put her in the chest," told Mark TV five years after the tragedy, the father of A dead girl, Pavol Hluchý. His wife had an uninterrupted pregnancy, and an hour before delivery, the baby's sounds were correct according to the monitors. But in a few minutes, everything has changed. "

" Before the child's birth began to ring, the doctor evaluated this ultrasound, that everything was fine and that nothing was happening. " described Mr. Deaf's situation a few years ago. " Finally, the sisters came to our wife, that we must be born, so they came from one side of the house. she, pushing her on the belly, the other coming to the parents, that she was directing the child but at that time, the Doctor appeared on the doorstep and approached birth itself, " said father of the deceased.

Adelka was born without signs of life.According to the report, the baby was completely healthy.The Supervisory Authority found serious misconduct, according to the TV news agency Markíza "Adequate monitoring of the fetus was not provided by the care provider during the first part of the fetus, c & # 39; that is, bad childbirth ", explains the decision of the Health Surveillance Office Andrea Pivarčiová

He decided to pay 16 Damages after five years, while Trnavská fakultní nemocnice fully respected the decision, the parents of Adelka agreeing not to appeal the judgment, and the non-responsible doctor who was at the time of his birth (d , s, id)

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